Monday, September 3, 2007

ओवर कमिंग Addictions

Hello Friends

I pray all is well with you & your family. As for me and my family, all is well. The Lord is continuing to provide. Thank You Lord for your provisions. I pray that everyone will read & receive this as the Lord sees fit. Amen

Let's dive right in. We all have addictions or habits that we would like to change. For some of us we would like to change or enhance our relationship with God. For some of us, it might be to become more fit, for some, it might be to stop smoking, for some, it might be to have better control over our finances. Whatever the habit or addiction may be we have the power to change it within us. Our creator has given us ALL that we need to overcome any unwanted habit or addiction. God wants us to become FREE from the bondage of our addictions & unwanted habits. They are wayyyyy to expensive for us to keep living with them. So let's DO something about them!!!!

First, let's realized who we are. Who we are is not this body we are in. Who we are is not the things we accomplish. We are divine creations. We are not a human being having a spiritual experience. We are a spiritual being having a human experience. No matter what human experience we encounter, it can never diminish our spiritual being. We can always return to our source. Your spiritual being will live on beyond this human experience. It is up to you where it will live on. So don't let your past determine your future. Behold I am a new creature in Christ Jesus, Let the old things pass away.

We must identify what area we want to change. Once we identify that area, then we have to DO something to bring about that change. It is always good to have have some sort of accountability of your activities. Meaning each day DO something to accomplish your goal & communicate it in some way. Use a partner to explain what you did to accomplish that goal, or in some cases what you didn't do. (when it comes to unwanted addictions) Now that we have identified where we want to be, let's get there.

In order to overcome any addiction you reconnect your self to The Source, which is a conditions of well being. All of us came from a Divine being & we were made in His likeness and image. He is our Source of well being. He wants us to be well. He left us instructions on being well, while we are here. It only make since, if we want to be well, we must return to the source of well being. How do I reconnect to my Source? I am glad you asked. You start with Prayer, Meditation communications with God. You must start a dialog with God. Notice I said DIALOG. Which means you speak with Him & He speaks to you. How does God speak to me? Again, I am glad you asked. God speaks to us through The Holy Spirit. He also gave us volumes & volumes of His thoughts in the Holy Bible. I encourage you to return to our Source by prayer and studying the Word of God. Make a commitment to yourself to be well.

Because I am connected to well being, I will do this one day, one circumstance, one minuet or even one second at a time. Change from thinking big to thinking small. A journey of 1000 miles starts with ONE step. If you were to focus on the 1000 mile journey you would be tired before you start. However, if you focus on just that 1st step, you know that you can accomplish that one step. In order to achieve great things we must START SMALL. Focus on that one step. Take the change one day at a time. Just as important as changing from unwanted habits, is to change towards good habits. Replace an unwanted habit or addiction with a desired habit. Practice doing the right things. Any great athlete with tell you that they practice doing the right things. If you want to feel better about yourself dive into God's Word & practice what it says. One step at a time you can change yourself, which will change your family and those around you.

Achieve greatness in little things, take on difficulties while they are still easy, do great things while they are still small. The Sage does not attempt anything very big, and thus achieves greatness. The Sage confronts difficulties but never experiences them."
-Tao Te Ching

Let us pray. Lord I thank You for Your divine creations. I pray that you would give us the strength, courage and wisdom to complete the well being in our human experience. Help us to realize not only who we are but Who's we are. Know that we can accomplish all things through Christ. Amen

चंगे यौर थौघ्ट्स चंगे यौर Life

Hello Friends

I pray all with well with you & your families. I am doing just fine. The Lord is keeping & blessing me. I pray that you will read & receive this message as the Lord sees fit.

It has been a week since I have sent the last message. I trust that everyone had a blessed week. My week was interesting & productive. God lead me to mentor & to be mentored. In that, there is balance. God showed me the joy of mentoring. We should share want God shows us with others. It is also equally important to associate yourself with someone that will be able to mentor you. You must, have at the very least, one person in your life that you consider successful. (success comes in many forms, it could be in life, in business, in religion, family life etc.) Once you find a person that has a trait that you desire then associate yourself with that person. Likewise, if there is a person that has a trait that you do not desire then you should disassociate yourself with that person if you feel that the person will stunt your growth.

Last week we talked about trusting in our nature, our source, our creator. God made us in His own image & likeness. We are perfectly & wonderfully made. We need to trust that God has provided us with EVERYTHING we need to complete that tasks that He has prepared before us. Forget your fears, because all that you need is inside you. Let go & Let GOD.

Change your thoughts from I need more, to I am content with what I have, or who I am. From a child we are taught that more is better. We are conditioned to compare ourselves with those that are around us. We compete and compare and judge one another based on standards that man created. We try to live up to those man made standards for the fear that we won't be accepted if we don't. Guess what guys, the standards are always changing. From the test we take to obtain a license, to graduate high school and get into college, to play sports and so on and so on. The measurements are always changing. In trying to keep up with the measurement we forget to enjoy where we are. I will never forget a time while I was in High School, before a basketball game, while I was warming up, a freshman came up to me & said that he wanted to be just like me. Those words shocked me. All I could think at that time was that he didn't know what he was asking for. I practiced & practiced but never felt good enough. Because I wasn't content with who I was, I couldn't enjoy the gifts God gave me. To that freshman I had a gift, but to me I wasn't good enough. The reason I wasn't content with who I was, is because that I was comparing myself to others. There is ALWAYS going to be someone better that you at something. So you see it was MY thoughts that made me not good enough, not my abilities. I had all I needed inside me. Had I stopped to enjoy what I had, I would have had more confidence in my abilities and therefore would have been a better player. We must change our thoughts to become content with what we are, who we are & where we are. Be flexible, don't conform to the measurements of man. Conform to the measurements of your Creator, which is LOVE. The commandment is to Love thy neighbor as thy Love THYSELF. How can you Love your neighbor if you are not content with YOU?

"If your realized that you have enough then you are truly rich" Tao Te Ching

Let us pray. Lord thank you for giving us all that we need. Help us to realize the riches in your provisioning. Let us find Joy in ALL that you have presented before us. We Love you Lord and we trust in you. For ALL things work together for the GOOD to those that Love & Trust in the Lord. It is in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ that we pray. AMEN


Hello Friends

I pray all is will with you and your family. All is well with me and my family. We are counting it ALL joy, for the Lord is providing what we need. Thank you Lord for your provisions! I pray that you will read & receive this message as the Lord sees fit.

We all have a NATURE (a divine place of well being). For that matter everything in the universe has a NATURE. Think about that very first nine months life. We started with No Thing (nothing). We had no control over what was to happen. NATURALLY, we developed eyes, a nose, our limbs, our organs, all of this happened without our control. We trusted nature to complete or develop what we needed to survive outside of the womb.

Once outside the womb we stop trusting in our NATURE. We start believing that we can't trust in our nature. We believe that we are in control. Once we are in control we believe that we are what we do, we are what we have or we are what other people think of us. So we develop what we call an EGO. In essence we Edge God Out.

Guess what guys if you believe you are what you do, when you can't then you are not. If you believe you are what you have, when you don't have then you are not, If you believe that you are what people think of you then when people don't think well of you then you are not well. The truth of the matter is that we started from (No Where) into the (Now Here) and we are going to return to the (No Where). We are all going nowhere(No Where) & we are going to leave with nothing(No Thing). So let's put away our EGO (Edge God Out) and allow our NATURE (divine place of well being) to take control to use us in conjunction with our universe.

So How do we let go of our EGO and Let God? (1)We start by removing our fears. You can trace any source of our ego back to a fear. To remove a fear, become curious about that fear. If you are afraid of planes, become curious about planes, study them, find out more about them. If you knew who walks beside you during this journey you would have nothing (No Thing) to fear. (2)Take all the THINGS that you are attached to (clothing, furniture, automobiles etc.) and release the attachment. Understand that we came here with nothing (no thing) and we are going to leave here with nothing (no thing). All things that are here will pass away. For most of us we only use about 20% of the clothing we have. The other 80% we just store in our closets or drawers and never use. Yet if someone was to ask or take 1 item of that 80% how would you feel? You would feel a loss for something that you don't even use. (3) Take the need to be in control and shift it to trust. Begin to have a trust in your nature and the nature of others. God has given each of us a divine purpose (nature) which we can trust is in our best interest. Just because someone may be different from you or do things a little different than the way you would have done it, doesn't mean that God doesn't have a purpose (nature) for that person or their actions. (4) Shift from your since of entitlement to radical humility. Stay humble in all things. Understand that God has the only entitlement & He distributes it as He sees fit.

Life Quote "The sage is kind to the kind, and kind to the unkind. Because the nature of his being is kindness. Be wise and help all beings impartially, abandoning none" Tao Ta Ching.

Let us pray that we will remove our fears, release our attachments, shift our control to trust, and replace our since of entitlement to humility. Lord give us the strength, courage and wisdom to complete the tasks that YOU have PREpared before us. We thank you Lord for being the You that You are. We thank you for Your divine purpose in our lives and allowing us to be content within them. We pray this prayer in the precious name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Going Green by Clemon Rogers


Whether you live in a 3-bedroom ranch, a condo or a turn of the century estate, a little greenery can go a long way toward improving the image that your home projects. Consider this: according to the American Nursery & Landscape Association, landscaping can add 7% to 15% to a home's value-and that's true for condo and townhome owners as well. Patios, fountains, decks and foliage add value to your home, while providing you and your family with recreation areas, privacy and a serene enviroment. Most importantly, the natural environment that you create in and around your home serves to create your visitors' first impression of your home (especially when it's on the market).

In the event you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me Clemon R. Rogers at 305 248-3600 or visit my website

Credit Alert by Clemon G Rogers

The 3 major credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax have announced today "that they have created a new credit scoring system aimed at simplifying the loan process for both lenders and borrowers."What is it?VantageScoreSM is an innovative consumer credit risk score offering greater consistency and predictability to consumers and credit grantors. Its patent-pending development methodologies enable institutions to rank a consumer's credit worthiness more accurately than other scores currently available in the marketplace.The VantageScore credit model was developed from a national sample of approximately 15 million anonymous consumer credit profiles pulled from across the three major credit reporting companies (five million from each source). The credit information included public record information, tradeline data, and inquiries. What VantageScore Says We Can Expect Consistent - Identical scoring algorithm and leveled credit characteristics across all three national credit reporting companies offer greater consistency Accurate - Deep knowledge of the data ensuring the most accurate scoring algorithm attainable Innovative - Patent-pending applications of statistical modeling techniques enabling enhanced predictiveness ensuring that consumers will receive more appropriate credit terms It's easy to understand and apply This is great news but keep it mind that although the three major bureaus have struck an agreement to all use the same tool, VantageScore, the actual implementation of this agreement is still somewhere in the future. It will take plenty of time to put the plan into action, especially since it involves the credit bureaus necessity to license this program to all of the purchasers of their data.Additionally, while the system will undergo a major overhaul to the benefit of everyone, a credit score is still a credit score. No simplification of the scoring formula will enhance your clients' credit management. As a result, the basics of credit management that I have been teaching my referral partners and clients are still very much in place and as important as ever.As your credit improvement and education resource, I will remain ever vigilant to this, and all developments that impact your ability to achieve and maintain the best credit score so you can live your financial dreams.

New Postage USPS by Clemon Rogers

The Governors of the United States Postal Service have approved a 2-cent stamp increase to go into effect May 14, 2007, raising the cost of mailing a first-class letter from $0.39 to $0.41. Along with the increased rate for first-class letters, the USPS has also announced plans to raise the postage for catalogs, magazines and priority post items.

Are you tired of the increase in postage? Well the USPS has the answer. Another new addition to the Postal Service policy is the creation of "Forever Stamps," designed to ease the changeover period between future rate changes. The Stamps will provide postage for all future one-ounce first-class letters regardless of the new rate. They will never expire or decrease in value and will be sold at new first-class postage rate. ($0.41) The Forever Stamp is the Postal Service way to deliver convenience and value for its customers. And when you think about it $0.41 is not a lot to charge for the service of delivering our mail. I drive a SUV & I known that it cost me more that $0.41 to start my vehicle. Imagine the cost to deliver a letter anywhere in the United States!!!!!!!!!!

In the event you have any further questions or concerns about this or any other Real Estate matter please feel free to contact me Clemon G. Rogers (Mr. House) 305 248-3600. You may also visit my website for other free helpfull information.